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Didn't understand one thing why do we lie ?
Don't know nor let's find out. In San francisco, A boy
hits his car in a telephone pole. So the police quetioned to him. What was the hurry that you blew the pole. The man replied.
I did not, that pole was coming towords me and when I got turn
, that pole collided with me.
Applause once more for brother. Yes that man was lying but
was he really lying but was he really lying.
But was h really lying. The story of pole, I just told you. That
story may be lying to you but it is true.
When children are young. They fell that their parents keep on
eye on them. Because they think their parents know everythings.
This is why he always tells the truth.
That's how they get older. So, they feel that their parents are not telling the truth anymore. It occurs is the age of 2 to 3 years.
A study has shown that a 4 year old child lies once every 2 hours.
And when he turns 6 years, he lays lie every 90 minutes for
2 hours. Do you know that lying is a hard work right now.
That human learns only by living in this world. The more we lie, The more expert we become. and lie more than before.
Lying is not an easy job right now. Only some people can lie well.
A research has shown that animals also do lying activities by making gestures we can make false gestures.
But noother species has to lie as much as human beings.
But it is not so easy , Baby.
Some people are more adept at lying. The best liars we call Pathological liars. he is so adept at lying beause. They have very
low levels of conscinence. Or are they free from the fear of lies.
They do this by convincing themselves that this is true , this is true. So that they also make the truth a lie.
There is another species of liars, Compulsive liars. These are the
liars who lie on every point. Lie even where there is no need.
the question aries, why do we lie ?
Like another parts of lying has also been part of an Evalution.
Lying thousands of years ago was an easy way to get a head of anyone. to increase your profit. Due to this Evalution,
would humans be more able to lie. We also lie white to protect our relationships. A survey has shown that 54% of people in the world have the ability to catch lies. Believe me I am one of those 54%.
A part from this there are bad lies. To lies or lie to her husband and wife. Nobody else is there other than you. But they knows who's who. These things show that man saves himself by Lyings. And tries to escape. A study has shown that man one person tells 10 lies in a week.
There are some ways in front is lying. As if breathing becomes different when lying. When someone lies, he takes long breaths.
His shoulders twitch and the voice slow down . And in addition to this, when a person lies, He stands upright and looks straight in the eyes of person. And along with this, humans lies, time shakes it head excessively. And strats giving more information. This is how it happened. Things that are not needed do not even tell.
so their lies are not caught. And the most important thing when a person lie, then he splashes his eyelids very little. By doing this , The body feels that it is putting pressure on the person in front.
If you guys are thinking, lie detector. Brother people that is a useless machine. Because it doesn't even lie. It just catches are body discomfort. Some people are in their body while lying. So such people fool this machine comfortably. And that's way the police do not use it. That is why the police uses beating.
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