There are so many creepy stories behind the blood donation that you will lose your mind. They says, brother , those who try, they never gives up, this is true. Many people died in old history by donating blood. Many peoplelast their lives in the process of blood transfusions and tore their lives. technical failure and failed experience played the biggest role in blood transfusion study.
In old days, there was not much information about blood, because of this, old scientists used to recommend that blood is like a spirit in our body. And because of any spiritual power. Blood was given to sick animals and people used to drink. In olden days people were given blood to drink so that they thought that drinking blood increase blood but it did not happen. Blood transfusions come to light when William Harvey discovered in 1628. That blood ran in the same column. Then scientists understood that instead of throwing blood into stomach. It should offered on the body. In the 17th century people used coils to make blood transfusion.
So that blood can be exchange between the taker and the giver.The issu was that there was no human to give blood but an animal. Scientists did not know that the blood of animals does not flow to humans. Due to this doctors killed many people. At that time many people died while offering blood of goats. This went on until James Blundell hit the entry. He used the blood of humans on the humans for the frist time. It was only after they arrived that the blood exchange started happening.
In this way too many people took their lives while offering blood. Still happening like this, A new Thor was born named Karl Landsteiner they discovred that some human blood does not penetrate other human. And this is why the blood group type of come out 1901. You will be surprised to know that for 200 years people continued to drink the blood of animals and blood transfused in the wrong way and become some what responsible for the death.

It was his brilliant discovery that divided the blood into A,Ab,O and B. I give you an a example guys. So, guys , an ID Card near our blood and when it enter in our body, our security system asks for his ID Card. If the ID Card is similar to our blood then are body's security system tells it welcome. And if the ID Card does not match, It does not accept it. Also another reason people die is it. We call Rhesus factor (+/-) . Because of this, Blood type 4 couses 8 blood type O cantains antigens of both type AorB. It means that blood of O type should be given to eny one, It will accept it. This means those with O type blood do not need an ID Card. O blood type rule everywhere and enter anywhere.

None of the AB group make antibodies. So they welcome everyone. This means AB people have a security system. But who can stop a group of miscreants. Means O blood type. But it is better each blood group to one's own blood group. Because there are also many minor blood groups due to which humans can die.
So today we learned how humans learned by doing mistakes. Due to which many people died. In the United States, A patients needs blood every 2 seconds. Just keeping and saving so much blood is not an easy task. If we talk about today's technology, We can preserve blood for 42 days. Through this post i just wanted to let you know that you should donate more blood. May be your blood donation will save some one's family from breaking up.
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