Tuesday, January 7, 2020

World Most Amazing Hacker.


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A hacker who scares the whole world. You might think that he lives secretly like mice, but it is not. He roams freely like lions. His name is Julian Assange. The whole world is afraid of this person. I don't mean ordinary people I mean politicians. Whether he hates America's leaders or all of the other nations. 

Image result for JULIAN ASSANGE"

But know why because of Wikileaks. Wikileaks is a Webside that was created by Julian Assange. And Wikileaks has united the mother and sister of all the leaders. Man uses the Internet, he must have heared about the Wikileaks. Wikileaks is not under anyone's control. Even the U.S. could not do any thing about Wikileaks. But this is Wikileaks. Is there a secret here form Alien to everything. Friends Wikileaks is a generalist webdsites which publishes news on it's website. There are such documents on this website which have been hidden from the people. Wikileaks finds them and leak it.

Image result for Julian assange arrested australian police"

Friends, These leaks are done by unknown people. Julian Assange created wikileaks in Iceland in 2006, which is currently a citizen of  Australia. Julian Assange is a rocking hacker 1987. Julian Assange is a hacked Pentagon, America Department of Defense, Navy, N.A.S.A, Motorala, Panasonic and Xerox during 1990. But in 1991 the Australian police caught him and soon released him due to good behavior. And the amazing thing is that in 1993 Julian Assange also started helping the police. 

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Wikileaks is a non- profit organization that volunteers run form whole world. In the last 10 years. Wikileaks has leaks so many documents that even the entire media could not do. Wikileaks says that it is our job to convey important threats to the comman people. The most important job is to send news to your readers with the original source. So that people can see the proof of truth. The amazing thing is that Wikileaks does not do any hacking and doesn't even collect news itself. Wikileaks release documents from media that they themselves have received from someone else.

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Normal people go to Wikileaks and submit documents. Wikileaks takes that documents to news channels all over the world. The amazing thing is that during this process the identity of who ever submits the documents remains hiddens. And no one knows who uploaded the documents and from where. So how does Wikileaks keep our privacy in mind ? That too in to-day's era where tracking is the highest no one can track your system when you are on the Wikileaks website. And no body will know if you are there or not. So use it an tears off anyone's ass.

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Wikileaks main server is present in Sweden, In a nuclear chamber. That is also because Sweden's law  allows it. America does not like the wikileaks anyway and none of the Americans do not hate Julian Assange. Wikileaks has exposed everyone. But those people do not know the Wikileaks embarks on the definition of generalism. According to the U.S court , all activities of Wikileaks are legal. That is why the American government, which cannot ask Julian Assange to close your website so the American government is irritating Julian Assange indirectly.

In 2010 Bank of America, Master Card , VISA, Pay Pal and Western Union together stopped funding Wikileaks. Meaning that we cannot give donations to Wikileaks in any of the services. Julian Assange visiting Ecudor Embassy. in 2012. But in 2016, his rooms internet connection was stopped. This enabled the Julian Assange to communicate to anyone online. And the amazing thing is that according to America Internet comes in human right. This mean that if you stop anyone from running the Internet. So this action come in human right violence. And here the entire Internet for Julian Assange was stopped.

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When this messed up, Wikileaks  leaks a document was a INA paper against the President of Ecuador. That brought their  company. This created a stir in the Ecuadorian State. Then Ecuadorian goverment filed the case on Julian Assange. Misbehavior in the Embassy and such more violations and asking them to go out. On whose refused they enlisted the help of London police And imprisoned them. It is said that if you support the truth, you will have to stumble.
Several false cases were filed against him to suppress the voice of  Julian Assange.        


Monday, January 6, 2020

History Of Blood Transfusion

Blood And Booldy Secret.
Image result for history of blood transfusion"

There are so many creepy stories behind the blood donation that you will lose your mind. They says, brother , those who try, they never gives up, this is true. Many people died in old  history by donating blood. Many peoplelast their lives in the process of blood transfusions and tore their lives. technical failure and failed experience played the biggest role in blood transfusion study.

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 In old days, there was not much information about blood, because of this, old scientists used to recommend that blood is like a spirit in our body. And because of any spiritual power. Blood was given to sick  animals and people used to drink. In olden days people were given blood to drink so that they thought that drinking blood increase blood but it did not happen. Blood transfusions come to light when William Harvey discovered in 1628. That blood ran in the same column. Then scientists understood that instead of throwing blood into stomach. It should offered on the body. In the 17th century people used coils to make blood transfusion.

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So that blood can be exchange between  the taker and the giver.The issu was that there was no human to give blood but an animal. Scientists  did not know that the blood of animals does not flow to humans. Due to this doctors killed many people. At that time many people died while offering blood of goats. This went on until James Blundell hit the entry. He used the blood of humans on the humans for the frist time. It was only after they arrived that the blood exchange started happening. 

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In this way too many people took their lives while offering blood. Still happening like this, A new Thor was born named Karl Landsteiner they discovred that some human blood does not penetrate other human. And this is why the blood group type of come out 1901. You will be surprised to know that for 200 years people continued to drink the blood of animals and blood transfused in the wrong way and become some what responsible for the death.

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It was his brilliant discovery that divided the blood into A,Ab,O and B. I give you an a example guys. So, guys , an ID Card near our blood and when it  enter in our body, our security system asks for his ID Card. If the ID Card is similar to our blood then are body's security system tells it welcome. And if the ID Card does not match, It does not accept it. Also another reason people die is it. We call Rhesus factor (+/-) . Because of this, Blood type 4 couses 8 blood type O cantains antigens of both type AorB. It means that blood of O type should be given to eny one, It will accept it. This means those with O type blood do not need an ID Card. O blood type rule everywhere and enter anywhere. 

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None of the AB group make antibodies. So they  welcome everyone. This means AB people have a security system. But who can stop a group of miscreants. Means O blood type. But it is better each blood group to one's own blood group. Because there are also many minor blood groups due to which humans can die. 

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So today we learned how humans learned by doing mistakes. Due to which many people died. In the United States, A patients needs blood every 2 seconds. Just keeping and saving so much blood is not an easy task. If we talk about today's technology, We can preserve blood for 42 days. Through this post i just wanted to let you know that you should donate more blood. May be your blood donation will save some one's family from breaking up.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Truth Of Expensive Female Products

Image result for female ceam and anti aging products"Come And Face The Truth

Image result for female ceam and anti aging products"

Hi girls my words will hurt you but i don't mind. I will tell the message truth, don't believe it is your responsibility. Hi guys, I want to tell you todays's post. How companies rob today's girls, and how does that fool them.

Friends, if we talk about the girls, now a days girls are being looted at different levels. Girls are caught holding produts that don't actually do any thing. that is called anti aging cream. Aplly it in morning, apply after bath and apply befor bed. The bastards have kept the business of robbing girls. And the surprising thing is that girls also trust these bastards. Right now i clear everything.

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Today's  companies  targets girls feelings and sells them to moisturizer at expensive prices. Let me tell you about some moisturizer. moisturizer reduce the dryness of our face. These companies use twists and tricks with you. So that you feel that company is selling youthe treasur, not the cream. But really companies are selling you moisturizers. And the company's creams are written on top of them like.''these emollients   
                                                   are specially formulated
                                                  with aqua and humectants''.
Don't know What is written man, read yourself. Ti is written so upside down, even those who don't know will think that not know what to put. I want to tell all the girls that what i just write the lines, blah blah blah, it means '' these lotions and
                                          cream cantains 
                                          water and moisturizers''.

According to one study anti- aging creams do not work  as their company says. You will also want to know how to get perfect beauty. According to one study 98% of anti aging cream claims are false and nonsense. But we cannot make it wrongh that due to these creams, the face also looks good. Because inside this cream the moisturizers is present. Heals our facial skin ridges. keeps skin cell wet so that our skin looks goods. But what isthe big deal in this, any moisturizer can do it and any company's cream can.

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But tel the truth, the cheapest moisturizer will do the same. So why do you waste so much money. As soon as the effect of the moisturizer is over, the skin becomes the same again. But these creams have side effects. Actually, these cream can increase your aging process even more. Actually our skin cells have their own process. Old skin cells fall and new ones are replaced. Anti -aging cream leave the old cells, bringing newskin. So that your skin looks sikly and smooth. But they are your own body cells. There is no work of these creams. Whatever your body does. But still girls give the credit to company with those creams.

Do you know  that if you enter in sunlight by applying these creams then your aging process can increase even more. Mean your skin can get aold quickly. By changing the color full box and fragrance, these companies cheats girls only by changing the color. Some people are very intellingent looke like brother. A boy named paras join bought the cream after seeing advertisement, For his brother Nikhil Jain. But he did not go blonde with in 3-weeks. These brothers filed a case in the consumer court over cream company. After this, they had to give Rs.1500000 to the company of cream, to the brothers. Both brothers are absolutely right play with are emotions with a stupid a advertisement. 

Image result for himani fair and handsome"Image result for men and women razor blade"

Come to know about a famous razor blade. Company selling a pink color razor blade for Rs.500. However the some razor blade was being sold to boys for Rs.350. Some brand same razor but difference only color. Shaving gel is also increased by 70% for women and girls. 


Thursday, January 2, 2020

Drugs Addication And Brain Reward


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In this Post I will not ask you to leave the drugs at all. Completely reading the post will make you feel like leaving the drugs .And these stupid people are thinking that I will try every single drug. 
So son stop, while try doing, your ass will expode.
It is very difficult to tell what happens in your body by taking 
drug. Drug addication is very dangerous for your health. If I ask you how do you about heroin addication. The answer is that makes
you shocked. what's the answer clap. 

Image result for drug addiction"Image result for drug addiction"

If you let the heroin enter your body for 20 days. Then on the 21st day, your body will yearn for the heroin. Mean the body 's mother and sister will become one. And your ass will explode. Not like you're  thinking. Drug addication is so bad that you can kill any one for drugs.Even to kill your family. Taking drugs can be a lot of fun but a lot of things go waste.

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When we eat ice cream or pizza, Our mind tells us that this thing is very tasty. whatever we eat something we like it. That our brain tells that we like this thing and it says so that we do it more.
Whatever it is a drugs or food item. Our brain make us feel good as as a rewards.When we eat sweet our brain releases a neurotransmission that we acall dopmine. What is dopamine is wonderful thing. Weather we eat a sweet or not, we like it very much. For example, If you like a boy or a girl , then dopamine increase continuosly in your brain. Because of which you have a fun feeling which does not come form seeing anyone else. What do you mean funny feeling friend. All he/she see is in love. 

Image result for love addiction"Image result for love addiction"

Brother, when we take drugs, our body is forced to release dopamine. More than normal amount because of drugs, 100 times more. Have you ever thought that when that person is in front of you that you love. Then your feelin is so intense that no matter how much the person sitting in your neighborhood talks you. Because the dopamine affects your normal function. think, when this feeling increase by 100 times more by taking drugs, How much affect fall.

Image result for tea and coffee addiction"

Normal body function Stop and you just want to lie in a corner. After the drugs affect is over , No normal work able to reward you as much as you used to. That is dopamine. Then neither do you like any food nor does anyone just want you drugs. And if you do not get pain in the head. But how much , take an example.
Ask a people who are accustomed to drinking tea or coffee in the morning. But what he says is 100 times more effective drugs.
Love is also like a drugs, If you do not have a day to talk , then how do you feel, Ask this question to a loved one.
Those who understand this is their game too. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

What do we need to lie ?

First of all wishing everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR

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This Post can spoil your mind. Can make you think. 
But believe it can have many benefits. After reading
this post, you can easily catch the relaxation of any one
Didn't understand one thing why do we lie ?
Don't know  nor let's find out. In San francisco, A boy
hits his car in a telephone pole. So the police quetioned to him. What was the hurry that you blew the pole. The man replied.
I did not, that pole was coming towords me and when I got turn 
, that pole collided with me.

 Image result for car accident with pole"

Applause once more for  brother. Yes that man was lying but 
was he really lying but was he really lying. 
But was h really lying. The story of pole, I just told you. That
story may be lying to you but it is true.

When children are young. They fell that their parents keep on 
eye on them. Because they think their parents know everythings.
This is why he always tells the truth.
Image result for child asking questions"

That's how they get older. So, they feel that their parents are not telling the truth anymore.  It occurs is the age of 2 to 3 years. 
A study has  shown that a 4 year old child lies once every 2 hours.
 And when he turns 6 years,  he lays lie every 90 minutes for 
2 hours. Do you know that lying is a hard work right now.
That human learns only by living in this world. The more we lie, The more expert we become. and lie more than before.
Lying is not an easy job right now. Only some people can lie well.
A research has shown that animals also do lying activities by making gestures we can make false gestures. 
But noother species has to lie as much as human beings.

Image result for brain" But i am not. Lying is not an easy task for our brain. To lies, our brain has to hide the truth.  And lie has to be shown. And everything true has to be hidden. And lie has to be made. And it also has to include little information around it . That makes the lie come true.  
But it is not so easy , Baby.

Some people are more adept at lying. The best liars we call Pathological liars. he is so adept at lying beause. They have very 
low levels of conscinence. Or are they free from the fear of lies. 
They do this  by  convincing themselves that this is true , this is true. So that they also  make  the truth a lie.
There is another species of liars, Compulsive liars. These are the 
liars who lie on every point. Lie even where there is no need.
the question aries, why do we lie ?

Like another parts of lying has also been part of an Evalution.
Lying thousands of years ago was an easy way to get a head of anyone. to increase your profit. Due to this Evalution,
would humans be more able to lie. We also lie white to protect our relationships. A survey has shown that 54% of people in the world have the ability to catch lies. Believe me I am one of those 54%. 
A part from this there are bad lies. To lies or lie to her husband and wife. Nobody else is there other than you. But they  knows who's who. These things show that man saves himself by Lyings. And tries to escape. A study has shown that man one person tells 10 lies in a week. 

There are some ways in front is lying. As if breathing becomes different when lying. When someone lies, he takes long breaths. 
His shoulders twitch and the voice slow down . And in addition to this, when a person lies, He stands upright and looks straight in  the eyes of person. And along with this, humans lies, time shakes it head excessively. And strats giving more information. This is how it happened. Things that are not needed do not even tell.
so their lies are not caught. And the most important thing when a person lie, then he splashes his eyelids very little. By doing this , The body feels that it is putting  pressure on the person in front.

If you guys are thinking, lie detector. Brother people that is a useless machine. Because it doesn't even lie. It just catches are body discomfort. Some people are in their body while lying. So such people fool this machine comfortably. And that's way the police do not use it. That is why the police uses beating. 

Friday, September 20, 2019


Image result for i phone 11 pro max
  Review of I PHONE 11      PRO MAX
1. Colours mid night green, space silver and gold.
2. Body stainless steel.
3. Glass back and front IP 68 protection glass.
4. Water proof in 4 meters for 30 min. 
5. Screen size 6.5 inches with HDR display.
6. Camera in front 12 M.P. with 4k HD recording,
    In back triple camera setup with LED flash all 12            M.P cameras with amazing night mode and 4k HD          recording.
7. Versions 64GB, 256GB and 512GB 

     Price in starting 109900RS in India  

Image result for i phone 11 pro max            https://youtu.be/fBj8_5mIXio on youtube

Thursday, September 19, 2019

How to made a home made plane which can fly

How to made a home made plane which can fly

   five easy step which can use to made a home made
plane as school project and for playing

1. Body material, make sure that material which you to made a body of a plane that is lightweight and strong for example you can 
use a steiro foam that cheapest material and easily to buy. 
2. All the centre of gravity of the plane in the middle of large dana (large wings).and try to made a alivatre .
3.use high RPM motor or light weight leathenium ion battery ,example core less motor you can you to made it .
4.Try to make a symmetric body . Made tail or back area just like a real plane with same directions and same proportion. 
5.Guys try to add little important things like wheels one pair in front and one wheel in the back bottom . now if you use these point care fully than your plane ready to fly.